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Bowman v. Monsanto and Patent Exhaustion: To Be, or Ought to Be?

Bowman v. Monsanto and Patent Exhaustion: To Be, or Ought to Be?

More of a cautionary winter's tale than a midsummer night's dream, an Indiana farmer facing legal action from a certain biotech and chemical multinational behemoth recently reached the U.S. Supreme Court. The case is called Bowman v. Monsanto, and with all that hangs in the balance, a herbicide-resistant rose by any other name would, in […]

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s a Lawsuit! – Termination Rights Denied to Siegel Estate for Superman

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s a Lawsuit! – Termination Rights Denied to Siegel Estate for Superman

Superman – the superhero known to be faster than a speeding bullet and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound – seems to be a magnet for lawsuits. The iconic superhero with the ‘S’ on his chest was the subject of another long legal battle that ended earlier this month. Had the case […]

Superman’s (Termination) Kryptonite: Subsequent Agreements – Warner Bros and DC Comics win fight over Superman’s Copyright

Superman’s (Termination) Kryptonite: Subsequent Agreements – Warner Bros and DC Comics win fight over Superman’s Copyright

DC Comics v Pacific Pictures Corp et al, the recent decision of a Central District of California court to deny termination rights to the heirs of Superman co-creator Joe Shuster, may be legally based in American copyright law. However, the case has its roots, loosely speaking, in Canada.

Sunny with a Chance of Chill: Forecasting EU's New Cloud Computing Strategy

Sunny with a Chance of Chill: Forecasting EU's New Cloud Computing Strategy

At the risk of raining on the EU's cloud parade, the European Commission's recently unveiled report, “Unleashing the Potential of Cloud Computing in Europe”, also threatens to unleash a legal storm of international regulatory ordeals, multi-jurisdictional issues, privacy and security battles, and commercial liability. Alas, that is the price of technological ambition: one is always waiting for […]

"Copyright, Contracts, Creators – New Media, New Rules" now Available on Paperback

"Copyright, Contracts, Creators – New Media, New Rules" now Available on Paperback

Edward Elgar Publishing has released a paperback edition of the book Copyright, Contracts, Creators - New Media, New Rules by Prof. Giuseppina D'Agostino. Copyright, Contracts, Creators evaluates the efficacy of current copyright law to address the contracting and use of creative works. It looks in particular at freelance works and argues that their copyright treatment […]

Unmasking the Mysterious “TV Rights” to Anne of Green Gables

Unmasking the Mysterious “TV Rights” to Anne of Green Gables

On June 11 2012 an article by Vinay Menon appeared in the Toronto Star titled “Anne of Green Gables to be remade for TV”.  The article reports that Kate Macdonald Butler, granddaughter to author Lucy Maud Montgomery and president of the family-owned company Heirs of L.M. Montgomery Inc., will be centrally involved in a new […]